Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Last Day in Edinburgh, Scotland

Yes it's true today is our last day and our last performance.  Tomorrow we set sail...literally we will actually be on a boat...on our way to Holland.  Can't wait!

Let's see now where did I leave off from last time....I must be quick because I don't have much time...

Oh yes....the Literary Tour...well we went on was cool....and that's about it...all right moving on! 
Oh sorry moving too fast?  Here's a few pics from the adventure....that's all I've got for you.

Sir Walter Scott Monument

Monica and Jeremy double headed monument
Ok so the Tour was on Thursday and then on Friday we....ummm...oh yeah we hiked Arthur's Seat.  No we did not actually hike up someone's seat but a large hill on the outskirts of Edinburgh.  It was very beautiful and the perfect weather for the hike.  I have posted a lot of pictures on my facebook for those of you that have accounts...those of you that don't, here are some of the better shots.

Beautiful Edinburgh

The gang...minus a few people

You can see the castle up on the left
Carlton Hill....we went there earlier on this month
It's Us!
After the very tiring...I mean wonderful hike I decided to get a tatoo....
A Henna Tatoo that is.  Don't worry in just under two weeks it will be gone.

Ahhh I'm out of time...need to paste on my usual butt load of make-up for the show...this time I literally am painting on my face...(this comment is just for you Arthur).

Well times have been great....and not so great (we'll just forget about those times though)...I'll try to keep up with this thing in the next week, but remember it's our honeymoon!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Half a bucket of ice cream and a mojito later....there's going to be no blogging.

Literary Tour, Arthur's Seat, and Visitors

I'm not going to say it...but I guess I am...I'm behind on blogging as always.  I blame Jeremy.  ;)  He's a computer hog, fortunately for him he has good reason. 

Let's see where to start...where to start...
Well on Wednesday we had a performance at the Musical Theater Matters Awards ceremony. We had been nominated for the Best New Musical, we didn't win :(, but still a huge honor. Here is the video of the show. It's really bad quality but I'm the girl on the right holding the frame and I come out and dance in the middle.

That night after the show I made my way into the bathroom to find a visitor!  It was actually quite entertaining.  I would definitely have to say that it played out how it would have in a comedy.   I walk in and closed the door...then something shoots out from behind the sink, across the door, then back behind the sink.  I squeal and jump on the edge of the tub.  Then yell for Jeremy....who am I kidding he can't hear me.  I then attempt to escape the bathroom.  He runs out from behind the sink completing the same maneuver from before.  I also repeat my previous performance of a squeal and jump on the tub.  The third time I manage to get the door open and get to Jeremy.  He goes in, closes the door behind him and all I can see are shadows from under the door and lots of banging around.  After a few minutes of anticipation he comes out with this...

Don't worry we set him free out in the street afterwards.  Well I'm actually going to have to pass the computer along now so hopefully I can tell you about the rest tonight after the show.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

St. Abbs to Eyemouth

Good morning...I mean afternoon Scotland!  Ahhh the life of going to bed at 3am and waking up at noon.  Wait how old am I?  I didn't even do this in college.  We really need to get out of the habit of going to bed so late, because sleeping this late will not work on our honeymoon.  It's just so hard to fall asleep any earlier now that I'm used to it.  Plus it's very noisy in my flat room.  The street outside our flat is cobblestone and there is a wine bar downstairs that is open until 3am.  Yay me!  I have to wait until I am so ridiculously tired that I won't hear anything because I'll be passed out.

On a happier note we went to St. Abbs yesterday.  What or where is this you may ask?  Only an incredibly beautiful place!  We woke up at 8am and caught the 9:30am train to Berwick-upon-Tweed.  From there we took a bus to St. Abbs.  We then walked along the coastal trail.  It was just amazing!

As we walked along the trail we saw sheep and cows....I know...cows...but they were Scottish Cows so that made them that much cooler.  We ended up making about a 5-6 mile loop near St. Abbs, then took the coastal trail 3 miles in the opposite direction to Eyemouth.  From there we took a bus back to Berwick-upon-Tweed.  What a day!  It couldn't have been better! 

I took a million and one some video!  I always forget about the video option.  I won't post all million of the photos that I took...but I think a couple thousand will do.

Don't worry no humans were hurt in the making of this video...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nothing New

Ahhh the life of being married to a graduate student.  That right there should explain everything.  We haven't done squat in the past few of days.  I mean I guess I should be happy and not complain considering I want Jeremy to graduate just as much as he does, but blah!! we're in Scotland and I want to see things!

Anyway well Tuesday we finally had a night off from our show, our first and only night off in the run of 25 shows in 26 days.  Jeremy ended up needing to work so I decided to pamper myself and went shopping.  I ended up buying a new shirt and a new skirt...and maybe they cost a little more than what I'd normally spend in the States, but hey I deserved that on my day off. 
Afterwards I told Jeremy that he was bringing me to dinner and it was going to be Mexican.  We ended up eating at a place called "Tex Mex".  It was actually pretty good.  When I asked to have just a bean and cheese burrito...without veggies and cilantro and peppers...they looked at me like I was crazy, then went to ask the chef, then the chef came out just to make sure and told me that he could do it but it was going to be "boring".  Obviously, they've never actually been to a real Tex Mex restaurant because that's a completely normal menu item.  All in all it was a pretty good night.

On our way home after dinner we stopped by a local market and got some desert.  While we were in there we noticed this box of "mansize" tissues....I must say it was quite funny and still kinda is.

On both Wednesday and Thursday Jeremy also worked the whole day and I gave up and just hung out in bed pretty much the whole day until showtime.  Shhhh don't tell Jeremy, but those days of doing nothing actually probably worked out in my favor because my ankle is finally getting better....

Oh yesterday Jeremy decided to make himself a kite.  Then he decided to fly it down the streets of Edinburgh as we walked to the theater.  I didn't know what people were staring at in my crazy make-up or Jeremy flying his ridiculous "wee little Kite".

Monday, August 16, 2010

Falls of Clyde

Ok once again I'm falling behind!  Sorry!  Jeremy is typically on the computer working during the day so the only time I get computer time is between 1am and 2am.  Let's see where did I leave off...oh yeah....

I miss my American food!!!  I can't help but have this never ending feeling that I'm just not satisfied.  Nothing is the same, even if it is the same's just not.  The cereal here seems like it's sugarless...which I guess you could say that's healthy, but blah! who cares it's so bland!  Anything and everything I seem to make or buy just doesn't seem as flavorful as back home.  Ohhh the home sickness is starting to kick in.

And I also miss my car!  Ahhhhh I'm so tired of having to walk everywhere.  Not to mention I now have tendonitis...well I've been having it for about a week now, but just been hoping it would go away.  Unfortunately that is unrealistic and I'm left with just hoping that I can continue to dance.

On a positive note we went to the Falls of Clyde on Friday.  They are located in a little village called New Lanark.  It's not much of a village, but it does exist.  We took a two hour train ride to get there, then walked about a mile from Lanark to New Lanark.  From there we hiked along the falls.  It was a great trip and well worth the train ride.  The falls were beautiful and the walk was so serene.  It was really nice to get away and be in the wild!  Once we walked along the falls to the end of the trail we looped around and took the nature trail back.  It went more into the trees and woodland area. 

Saturday we did nothing interesting.  Jeremy worked the whole day and I had to sing on the Royal Mile then had my performance.

Sunday started out the same as Saturday, but then we had a fire!  Yes it's true...a real fire...but nothing to worry about.  It was actually an electrical fire right outside the door of our flat.  The fuses blew and were on fire.  Luckily the guy that lived above us called the fire department when his smoke detectors went off.  All of the smoke was in the hall and it went straight into his flat.  Not long after that 4 fire engines drove up and put the fire out.  Whew!  Once that was done they had to wait for Scot Power to show up so our flat mates invited them in for tea and biscuits.  They then let us check out their fire engine and take pics!  It turned out to be a pretty interesting day.

Today was another boring day of Jeremy doing work.  Work, work, work....I thought we were on vacation...?

Oh and here are some reviews from local newspapers and online columns about our show:

"the movement is as fluid as you will see in many dedicated dance pieces and the acting is also very good indeed."   Edinburgh Spotlight

"The singing and dancing were superb"   audience member

"gorgeous dancers and stunning visuals"   audience member

"offers quality songs, great dancing and a Tim Burton-esque aesthetic"   The List